I have come to an astounding epiphany; animals are angry with humans, and are willing to throw their bodies like a kamikaze into the side of an 80 mile an hour (don't tell the police...) BMW 5 series... That's right... At 6, and some odd minutes tonight, a kamikaze deer threw himself, not at the buick 10 yards in front of me, nor the pontiac 10 yards behind me, but at my BMW!
Don't worry, I'm fine, but my car got pretty dinged up, and I think his antler hit my windshield because it shattered in the silhouette of a deer rack... And I'm missing my side rear view mirror... It's laying in the grass along highway 471 somewhere...
It was a very strange experience... I had absolutely no time to react... I saw a brown object dart from the woods and then before I could react I saw his rage-filled eyes, in slow motion almost, as he hit my windshield, and glass exploded in my car, those same hating eyes turned into the saddest eyes I've ever seen in my life... I say I had no time to react, which i didn't, but I find it strange that I can remember that as his eyes turned from hatred into regret, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him... More compassion came over me as I looked back at his lifeless body laying on the side of the road... I almost forgot that-that same deer just ran into my car...
He ran into my left wheel well, and then his head hit the bottom left portion of my windshield, which shattered, and then miraculously (seriously!) missed my door but hit every other possible location on the side of my car... If he would've hit my door the airbags would've punched the-taco bell I had for lunch-out of me...
The car in front and behind stopped to help me and see if I was alright... I think they were husband and wife... (If you're are out there; Thank you)... I wanted to say more than just "thank you" at the moment when they helped, but didn't know how... (I actually didn't really need any help, but it's nice just to have someone there after something like this happens, it's very comforting)... But I think they figured out a way for me to thank them on their own... As they were leaving, they turned around, found the dead deer on the side of the road, picked him up, and put him in their trunk... I guess you could say that my "random act of kindness" for today, would be... feeding a family...
I would also like to thank BMW for making such a strong car... A deer, running full speed, hit the side of my car as I was going 80 miles an hour and I don't have a scratch on me... Other than being shaken up, finding glass in my hair a few hours later, and having a moment of sympathy and sorrow for the deer, I am perfectly fine...
I would also like to thank God... I know He had His hand on me...
I don't mean to sound arrogant, but why my BMW?! I think I have a little right to be upset... I mean it did hit MY car... But now I'm thinking that maybe the person in front and/or behind me may not have had insurance, or would've not been able afford to have their car in the shop for a week, or whose car could've been totaled... So, if it had to hit somebody, I'm almost glad it hit me... But, they better enjoy that deer!!
This is real life story #1...
That is seriously amazing.
I'm not happy your car got messed up... but you gotta admit, thats an incredible story. And you walked out unscathed, you must be a god walking among us.
I'm so glad your safe....and blogging.
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