
Saturday, January 26, 2008

A New Journey... In Place of a Journal

Yes indeed... Im excited to start blogging, hoping this will not turn into another Myspace/Facebook addiction, but more an incentive for me to write and express myself... I always used to think that I never thought... But lately I've been realizing that I think way to much... So I need a place to get all that out, but I've never liked to journal...

I've always wanted to Journal, but have never had the patience nor wanted the time... A journal (which in the past, has only lasted about a week. It's funny really, the dates in my journal are so out of place!) has helped me to "complete" my day, or has helped to analyze myself and put it on paper and then to reanalyze it 1 month, 2 months, a year from now, to see where God has taken me... I want to learn to find myself in words... And among an audience of avid and experienced writers I hope to learn to do so...

As Brian D. McLauren (Generous Orthodoxy) says: " I write not to stop my mind from thinking, but because I can't stop it. Writing (whether in a journal, in an e-mail, on a Web site, or through an article, book, or sermon) at least produces some fruit from the labor of compulsive thinking.

I also would like to thank all those already "blogging." You have inspired me put myself out there.

I don't plan on writing past my own ability. I don't plan on making myself sound smarter than I really am. A good man, named Jerry Wilson once told me that if you're not yourself, people can see right through you.

So this is me... In real life...

1 comment:

Ashlyn Alyce said...

Jerry Wilson is my hero.

Good to see you on here. =)