I've been getting hurt a lot lately. It started with my fixed gear bike (pictured top right. Ahhh I love her). She only has one gear and no brakes, so needless to say she plays rough. The first incident happened in Orlando. I was learning how to skid-stop in a parking garage when I lost balance and flipped the bike. I got pretty scrapped up. That was followed by many more "tanks" as Ryan Young likes to call them. A few days ago I went surfing. It was a pretty "mushy" day but it's too long of a drive to not get wet. I was in the water and was paddling in on this wave when I decided at the last second that I need to bail. I jumped off the board but it got caught in the wave, pulled tight on my leash, and then was flung in the air. It came flying down and slammed right into to my forehead. I couldn't tell how bad it was but I knew it hurt!! There was no one out there with me and no one on shore either. I was afraid I had a concussion and that I'd pass out in the water with no one around, so I road the next wave in on my stomach. Then two days ago I was (again) riding my bike late at night with a few friends (Ryan and Cono) when some young kids drove by us as about 50 mph honking there horn and yelling at us only to have to slam on their brakes for the stop sign 50 yards ahead of us. I thought the guys were gonna role through the stop sign but they decided to stop right next to the car that almost just ran over us to stare them down or something. But I wasn't paying attention and tried to skid to a stop but slid right into the back of Cono's bike and went head first over my bike and onto the pavement. I hyper-extended all my fingers on my left hand and was almost positive that I broke my left index finger. It turned out that it was just extremely inflamed or something. I couldn't really understand what the doctor was saying. (Walk-in clinic). Side note: I've never broken anything in my life (bone-wise) and was really upset when I thought that my finger was broken, but... The STREAK continues!
I'm going 100% after everything. I ride to0 fast on my bike. I surf too hard on my board. I take way too many classes at school. So, needless to say I've been failing a lot. But to be honest, I've never felt more alive in my life!
I've got one more thing that needs "failing," but I can't tell you what it is just yet!
1 comment:
1. You better not slow down
2. What is "one more thing to fail" business?
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