I've come down two these two choices... Help me out...
This is backpack one... I like this one better, just because it's cooler looking, but I not sure how practical it is... What do you think... Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Or backpack number two... Which seems like a more logical because it's bigger (or at least it looks bigger in the picture...) It's not necessarily ugly by any means... But number one is... is... white... I've always had a thing for white (that by no means has anything to do with anything racial)

One is definitely cooler. Two is definitely more ideal for your trip. So, yea....one. Coolness always outweighs practicality.
Yeah.... Good call!
I'm going to vote for two. Because it looks so Man vs Wild, and if you take the white one on your trip, it will get dirty anyways.
I do love me some Bear Grills!
Ahh man! What am i going to do now... I'm right back where I started!
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